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Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free Campus Policy

In order to foster a professional, healthy, safe and clean learning and working environment, Indiana Tech has adopted a smoke-free and tobacco-free policy. Electronic cigarettes, Hookah or other items used for vaping are included in this policy and are not permitted to be used on campus.

Under this policy, the use or sale of any tobacco products is prohibited on college-owned, operated, or leased property or vehicles at any time. It is also a violation to possess any tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, vaping products and such items in the state of Indiana if you are under 21. The policy extends to all university property including inside personal vehicles while parked on the premises.

All employees and students share in the responsibility for adhering to and enforcing the policy. Employees or students who are found in violation of this policy are subject to disciplinary procedures up to and including dismissal. If you see someone violating the policy, it is your responsibility to remind that person that tobacco is not allowed to be used on campus.

Students who would like assistance with tobacco cessation may contact the Wellness Center for additional resources.

Enforcement of the policy is as follows:

  • Remind the person that smoking, vaping or tobacco use is not allowed on university property if they are of legal age. If the person in possession is under 21 and a student or employee, security should be notified and a conduct report will be generated.
  • If your reminder isn’t successful, then please notify a security officer, resident assistant, or staff member.
  • Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
  • Any smoking of tobacco or other products inside a facility is subject to immediate disciplinary actions.

The success of this policy will depend upon the thoughtfulness, consideration and cooperation of everyone.
